Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chinese Contributions to Graphic Design

The Chinese writing system was developed 4000 years ago and is one of the oldest written languages. Throughout the years, the Chinese writing system has not changed very much but there are five distinct periods of Chinese writing.

The Chiaku wen (c. 1800-1200 BCE) was the earliest of Chinese symbols when the symbols were engraved into turtle shells and animal bones.  These were primarily used for divination, attempting to contact the dead to predict future events etc.

The Chin-wen (c. 1100-700 BCE) These Characters were inscribed on bronze vessels. Again, these were used for divination.

Hsiao chuan (c. 280-208) This style of writing unified the writing system of Imperial China under Emperor Shih Huang Ti

Li-shu (c. 206 BCE-220 CE) Clerical Style

Kai-shu (c. 200 CE - present) Regular Style

The invention of paper and printing revolutionized the western world through the democratization of knowledge. Knowledge is power, and until the printed book only the rich and powerful had access to knowledge but the printed page put power in the hands of the people. ironically these to inventions that so radically changed western culture, were both invented in China.

Paper (c. 105 CE) The invention of paper attributed to Ts'ai Lun

 "Chop" chinese signature blocks (c. 3rd century CE)

Block printing: Diamond Sutra (c. 868 CE)

Movable type: Pi Sheng (990 - 1051 CE)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you included all of the critical eras and inventions (including paper!). I find it interesting that you did not fit calligraphy into this. How does calligraphy fit into this timeline in your mind? Is it a seperate event?
